Increasingly oriented towards research and development applied to the study of raw materials and the processes that turn them into products, today we have also arrived at the planning of a green system that can supply most of the company's energy needs.
The energy we will use to power the production process is totally renewable and 80% self-produced through 1,500 m² of solar panels, which will be installed within the current year in our production site in order to limit gas emissions into the environment and cut costs.
We have also come to design production lines, that not only optimize flows and execution times, but also significantly reduce transformation scraps, thanks to the reuse of metals and plastics of which we have known every characteristic for over 50 years of activity.
In fact, our automations and the creation of ad hoc lines, developed in every minimum detail and step, make it possible to eliminate waste and its dispersion in the environment, to respond with extreme flexibility to requests, to certainly improve and perfect production times and therefore to have much faster turnarounds for deliveries.
In this issue, therefore, you will read about our Green productions and collaborations, among which Greenyl stands out, the symbol of our new corporate era that is more and more attentive to the planet.
Enjoy the reading!

(by Eleonora Terenzi)

Metal Morphosis


Metal-Morphosis: Planium and the Oxidation of Metals; the Importance of the Ecological Issue; Fuorisalone 2022 at dOT with the "Water" Concept; Autumn in New York. From the Lunar Gallery: Moon Texture. The articles about the Planium's experience at the Milano Design Week 2022, in the historic Brera district of Milan, in Piazza San Marco... (by Luigi Luca Borrelli ed Eleonora Terenzi)


The Maximum of Oxidation

The Maximum of Oxidation

The squeegee is now hotter and the whole is starting to take on a more familiar appearance. The surface treatments expertly spread by our hands begin to stratify one above the other and the very pale initial appearance has given way to a timid and immature, but now present and irreversible Oxidation. It is the most fascinating phase because, immediate, incomplete, hypnotic in its flow, oxidation flourishes and can still welcome our suggestions, our experience to grow and become something else [...] di Massimo Politi


The Inspiration. The Cities

The Inspiration. The Cities

Alongside the now famous Bright Decoration, other versions are available that will feature your spaces in an absolutely unparalleled way. Which Skylight do you prefer? Skylight is... Bright Decoration - to decorate a room with atmospheric light;Skylight is ... Clothes Hanger - to rearrange creatively;Skylight is... Organizer - to give a very original touch to your desk;Skylight is... Wall Key Holder - to always have all your keys close at hand...(by Valentina Dago)




Notes upon notes, low and high, the timbre of a voice, the instrumental background, a solo… music that warms the soul, involves from the depths, generates strong and never banal emotions, leads to vivid memories, unleashes creative synaesthesis… Our production history, 55 years long, the experience gained in applying innovative technologies to different production sectors, the desire to make, engrave and leave a mark, a "large microgroove" ... These are our whys, the reasons that led us to the desire to produce Music. (by Eleonora Terenzi, Luigi Luca Borrelli, Valentina Dago)


Nexion International

Nexion International

PLANIUM re-establishes contacts and friendships that enjoy a relationship of trust confirmed over the years. PLANIUM has repeated a precious collaboration with an international partner in a special coaching... (by Valentina Dago)




[...] Our advanced technologies have transformed the way our customers operate, enabling improvements in efficiency, productivity, reliability and profitability. Our technologies and expertise help customers achieve sustainability goals...(by Eleonora Terenzi)


Renewable Energies

Renewable Energies

A photovoltaic system is an electrical system essentially consisting of the assembly of several photovoltaic modules that exploit solar energy to produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect, the necessary electrical (cables) and electronic (inverter) components and possibly by mechanical-automatic systems with solar tracking... (by Luigi Luca Borrelli)


Artistic and literary property reserved. Reproduction, even partial, of texts published without the written authorization of Terenzi S.r.l.
Registration of the Court of Lodi n. 9892/2018 of 12/09/2018.


  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 16
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 16

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 15
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 15

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 13
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 13

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 12
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 12

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 11
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 11

    La Forma delle Idee

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 10
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 10


  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 9
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 9

    Always a step forward

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