Renewable Energies

For several years particular attention has been paid to renewable energies and to the serious pollution problems that not taking this path has entailed. Renewables are defined as inexhaustible sources of energy, i.e. deriving from forces and elements of nature: wind, earth, water, the sun on which solar, hydroelectric and geothermal energy depend. We often hear about Sustainability in the corporate and non-corporate world; up until just a few years ago these themes were presented as marginal or as an accompaniment to other more important plots. Today, however, the prominence that has been given to the destruction of the planet due to man's laxity has triggered a virtuous mechanism in the conscience of most countries. The availability of solar energy is infinite. Starting from this premise it is essential to understand why the photovoltaic system is and could be a turning point for a sustainable future.


What is a photovoltaic system?

A photovoltaic system is an electrical system essentially consisting of the assembly of several photovoltaic modules that exploit solar energy to produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect, the necessary electrical (cables) and electronic (inverter) components and possibly by mechanical-automatic systems with solar tracking.


The Application and Choice of TGROUP.

TERENZI SRL - TGROUP, in its headquarters in San Giuliano Milanese, brings together the departments responsible for production with their innovative fleet of machines but also the offices. The installation of two photovoltaic systems is planned for 2023 which will power the entire covered area of 5,000 m² for a need of 75-80% of the required; one project is 100 kW and the other 250 kW, for a total of approximately 350 kW.

TERENZI SRL - TGROUP also wanted to look far in the choice of the type of photovoltaic panels as they would like the operation not only to be aimed at the near future, but also in a more propelled way towards a long term. The materials will be top-level and therefore of the highest quality so as to guarantee an estimated useful life of 35 years, against an average of 25 usually emplyed in companies.

The environmental benefit deriving from the self-production of electricity with photovoltaic systems can also be measured in avoided greenhouse gas emissions, the table shows the evidence of the environmental benefit generated (emissions of C0² and Nox - nitrogen oxides - avoided over the years).


(foto: Beneficio Ambientale e Stima Produzione)

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