A Visit like Few Others

A Visit like Few Others

We have reached the end of this “surreal” year.

2020 is ending bringing many thoughts about what has been experienced and giving way to the successor 2021 on which, even before it starts, so many questions and hopes are already hovering...

In the pain, fatigue, isolation and poverty of this past year, as if they were flowers grown from concrete, solutions, creativity, hope, brotherhood have blossomed, precious pearls that will not be thrown away when, sooner or later, we are back to “Normality”.

Great changes are often children of pain and only take place if there is a capacity for adaptation, fluidity of thought, positive energy. In TGroup we believe so: this is the reason why we have continued to work. Reconverting part of the productions and “reinventing ourselves” we have not stopped committing ourselves day by day together, giving our best and enhancing every step taken for our growth.

Eleonora Terenzi

IntendiMe, Let the Sound Touch You. The sounds of Silence.

IntendiMe, Let the Sound Touch You. The sounds of Silence.

This is the story of Alessandra, Giorgia and Antonio. Three guys, three heads and three hearts who met at the University of Cagliari on the occasion of ContaminationLab. Alessandra Farris had an idea in mind that came from her personal experience, (by Eleonora Terenzi).


Safe Breath. The Anti Covid -19 Face Mask

Safe Breath. The Anti Covid -19 Face Mask

Safe Breath is the Italian face mask by Terenzi Srl, created by Design Group Italia, designed to contain the “Covid-19” emergency, (di L. L. Borrelli e E. Terenzi).


Skylight Shadows and Light

Skylight Shadows and Light

Starting from a Calamine steel plate, the outline of the city of Milan was obtained, (Valentina Dago).


Oxidation -Technical Part

Oxidation -Technical Part

Planium combines the aesthetic dimension with the ethical one by creating the work Tree, built on a project; the attention is divided into two parts on the environmental theme on the one hand, on the naturalism of a metal such as copper on the other, (by Luigi L. Borrelli)


At the beginning there was Metal

At the beginning there was Metal

"Metal that Covers the Surfaces, Metal that Furnishes the Surfaces with Style, Metal is Cheerful Decoration", (Valentina Dago)


The Colors of Metal, Polychromy

The Colors of Metal, Polychromy

"In the arts, the names of pigments evoke their colors, produce an almost lyrical musicality by pronouncing them, insinuate that unique and shocking sensation that originates from seeing them, from feeling captured by their beauty, from perceiving how powerful a color is when from the eyes, that look at it, it reaches the heart directly and immediately", (Eleonora Terenzi)


The Paradox of Oxidation

The Paradox of Oxidation

Oxidation is a natural process, a spontaneous transformation to which different metals are subject, (Valentina Dago).


A Visit like Few Others

A Visit like Few Others

"[...] He turned and saw that symmetrical concrete temple that concealed scented sheets of steel, buttons pushed after years of experience, sharp snails of light, floors as precious as shields and regretfully thought of Homer and the stories he could tell inspired by that place", (Massimo Politi).


Artistic and literary property reserved. Reproduction, even partial, of texts published without the written authorization of Terenzi S.r.l.
Registration of the Court of Lodi n. 9892/2018 of 12/09/2018.


  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 16
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 16

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 15
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 15

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 14
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 14

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 13
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 13

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 11
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 11

    La Forma delle Idee

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 10
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 10


  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 9
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 9

    Always a step forward

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag Special Edition
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag Special Edition

    A 50 Year-Long Jorney