Terenzi Srl and Photovoltaics

03 aprile 2024 di Luigi Luca Borrelli
435      14

Photovoltaic panels were installed at the TERENZI SRL headquarters in San Giuliano Milanese in 2 systems, on the roof of the company's Block 3. Approximately 2000 m² of panels, for a total of 300 kW.

A photovoltaic system is an electrical system made up of the assembly of multiple photovoltaic modules: the photovoltaic effect is precisely the physical phenomenon that allows the production of electricity starting from the sun; energy used by Terenzi especially in the field of mechanics for the processing and transformation of metals and plastics, to design, engineer and create products.

The energy needs that these panels cover can reach up to 70% of the annual energy needed, absorbing solar energy; therefore not all the energy is produced internally, but most of it, and the remainder is purchased by the TERENZI group to cover the total requirement.


The decision, taken some time ago and implemented after a period dedicated to the installation starting from 2023 (already announced in this TMag article) goes in the dual direction of energy and therefore economic savings through self-production, and obviously of safeguarding the planet through a precise and concrete ecological choice.

In fact, one of the direct and most tangible consequences of the installation concerns the contribution made to the environment due to the tons of carbon Dioxide not emitted into the environment thanks to this energy system: the system has been in operation since the beginning of the current season and the savings it is already around 40 tonnes of CO? today.


For several years particular attention has been paying to renewable energy and the serious pollution problems that not taking this path has entailed, with the most virtuous companies having to rethink their production and management methods.

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